Gunung Panti

Apr 24 2010 - Much has been written in blogs and websites that Gunung Panti (513m) is relatively easy for beginners.  But believe me, it was a fairly challenging trek.  

The only other mountain that i have climbed is Gunung Lambak (510m) and Panti compared to Lambak is equally as tough, but with a gentler gradient that is not as steep.

This sign marks the start of the trek !

We started our trek at a desolate looking path that led to the forested area of Gunung Panti.

The varied terrain in Panti makes it challenging and interesting at the same time.  There were streams to cross ...

... and fallen trees to overcome.  In fact, there were lots of fallen trees along the way ! We had to go below, climb over or detour to get pass them.


You could see from the leaves on the branches that some of trees fell recently (likely due to the recent raining season) while others had been there for some time. This is probably a hazardous place to be when there is heavy rain. 

The highlight of the day was the huge boulder towards the end of the trek just before the summit.  To get to the top, you'll have to climb up this boulder.  Using the guide ropes and following the instructions of the seasoned climbers, most of us made it to the top.

 We also used the network of roots and vines as footholds and support.

The view from the summit is breathtaking. It has a beautiful panoramic view of the surrounding Kota Tinggi area. 

We made it to the top !

The summit was an open space, with some trees and fine white sand covering the ground. I wonder where do the sand come from ? There  isn't any beach nearby (not at this altitude anyway) hmm....

It was tough climbing up the big boulder, but climbing down is just as interesting.  When climbing down from a higher place, you can't really see where your next step lands. 

An interesting story about Pete.  At the summit he felt something moving in his pants near his groin. Not really sure what it was, he grabbed it from the outside of this pants and ran behind some trees.  When he came back, he told us that a leech was only inches away from his crown jewels ! Man that was close - this caused a minor scare among the guys. Some of us (myself included) checked our pants and underwear to make sure there were no leeches in there !Haha.

This leech has a new home - Mathias brought it home :-)

Mention Gunung Panti and seasoned climbers will warn you about the leeches. A few of us got bitten, but i didn't :)  I am sure the generous amount of insect repellent that I've applied on my shoes, socks, clothes and body helped. Haha, I applied so much, some of the hikers thought the forest had a lemongrass smell. Citronella and Neem Oil are the main active ingredients in the insect repellent I had on and it produced a lemongrass like smell.  Others brought along vinegar and Axe Brand Medicated oil while some wore leech socks. 

Don't let the leeches deter you from climbing Gunung Panti.  If you are prepared and take the necessary precautions, it reduces the chances of a leech bite considerably :-)


  1. very interesting account. I have not been there yet but planing to. can you tell me how to get there? or are you planing any trip there anytime soon?


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